
American Screening Corporation

A sample of head hair at least 1.5 inches long and the thickness of a pencil is required for a hair follicle drug test. It can't be gathered from a brush or any other source. Body hair, if short or shaved, can be used in place of head hair. Body hair grows at a slower rate than head hair, allowing for a longer time frame for drug testing than head hair analysis.

Hair follicle drug testing can detect recent drug use of cocaine, marijuana, opiates, methamphetamines, and ecstasy. It is used in a variety of settings, including workplace drug testing and DOT testing. A hair follicle test involves taking a small sample of a person's hair and sending it to a laboratory for analysis. When compared to urine tests, which only show us a few days before the test, it can provide a 90-day lookback on drug use.

The hair sample must be taken from the patient's scalp and contain enough strands to measure 1.5 inches long and be the thickness of a pencil. It cannot be collected with a brush or other means, and it must be extracted from the scalp. Patients may require more hair in order to collect a sufficient sample for the drug test. Other hair-growing body parts, such as the armpits and pubic area, can be used for a drug test if this is the case.

The hair sample is typically collected from a patient's head, which is easier to access than other body parts. It must be cut at the base of the skull so that the drug metabolites embedded in the hair follicles can be seen in the lab. Hair follicle drug tests, unlike urine and saliva drug tests, are highly accurate and have a wide detection window. As a result, obtaining a false positive result with this type of testing is difficult.

Some people have attempted to avoid this type of testing by using quick fixes like shampoos and vinegar mixtures that claim to "flush" THC metabolites from hair follicles. The problem is that these methods do not flush THC metabolites from the hair; instead, they cause them to sink deeper into the scalp, where they will remain for a longer period of time and become more difficult to remove.

It's also a popular option for people on parole or probation who are required to take regular tests. It's also a good idea to have it done if you're being treated for an illness or disease because doctors can use it to see if you've recently used any substances that could interfere with your medications.

More than 17 drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, opiates, and benzodiazepines, are accurately detected by the test. It can also detect alcohol consumption and a variety of prescription medications.

One of the best aspects of this exam is that cheating is difficult. The person collecting the sample must be extremely skilled, and it is nearly impossible to shave your head before they take the hair sample. This makes it much more difficult to cheat on the test, and most companies that offer these tests will only allow certain people to do so.

Another factor to consider is that a hair follicle drug test may be influenced by environmental factors, such as inhaling second-hand smoke from people who have smoked the same drug for which you are being tested. Because the metabolites of the substance you smoked or used are unlikely to appear in your hair follicles, this can lead to false positive results.

There are, however, some ways to pass a hair drug test. To begin, wash your hair with shampoo to remove drug metabolites from your scalp. If you want to avoid being caught with weed or any other illegal drug, this is a good option because it can flush the toxins from your system faster than other methods.

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